Karindi Blaze of Glory - d.o.b 19/10/2010 - SOLD
I have come to the decision that Blaze will not be part of my breeding program, so he is now available for sale.
At 4 months of age and fully vaccinated, Blaze is also litter trained, crate trained, and walks well on lead. He is a confident and outgoing puppy who is good with other dogs and used to cats. Blaze will only be available to the best of homes. Blaze is an affectionate and cuddly IG puppy who needs a home where he has a doggy companion if his new owners work fulltime. Blaze is a bright happy, cheeky and mischevious puppy who thrives on interaction with his people.
Blaze will come desexed and on the limited register for $900. Pics of Blaze from birth til now below.
Please contact me to express interest in Blaze or if you have any questions.
At 4 months of age and fully vaccinated, Blaze is also litter trained, crate trained, and walks well on lead. He is a confident and outgoing puppy who is good with other dogs and used to cats. Blaze will only be available to the best of homes. Blaze is an affectionate and cuddly IG puppy who needs a home where he has a doggy companion if his new owners work fulltime. Blaze is a bright happy, cheeky and mischevious puppy who thrives on interaction with his people.
Blaze will come desexed and on the limited register for $900. Pics of Blaze from birth til now below.
Please contact me to express interest in Blaze or if you have any questions.